Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Magic


Be proud of me. I posted last month in the midst of a crazy hectic musical and tests galore! This month will be better because school is almost over. Thank goodness! One good thing that happened this month is that I started a book club at my school! Our first book is Divergent and we meet next week to discuss it. Yay, I'm such a leader hehe! SO that was exciting and fun, but now my attention all goes to this blog. Since summer is quickly approaching, I have so much free time to read and post. I promise you that you will see that.  

1. Delirium 
2. Pandemonium

1. Fever- almost done with it, so good.
2. Delirium Stories
3. 52 Reasons to Hate My Father

1. Mamma Mia 
2. It's Alright, It's OK- Ashley Tisdale
3. Keep Holding On- Avril Lavigne
4. In the End- Drake Bell
5. Much Better- Jonas Brothers

IN MY LiFE: I've been good, but April was a really rough month for me. Every girl dreams about their prom and how amazing it will be. A perfect dress. The perfect man. And the best music. Well let me tell you that it's very overrated. Finding the perfect date is impossible, especially after breaking up with your best friend boyfriend. Needless to say, it wasn't what I expected for the so called "best night of your life." Anyway, I am better now and without that distraction I should have more time to read and blog about my new fictional boyfriend ;)

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