Publisher: Little, Brown
Page Amount: 296, US Hardback
POV: 1st Person (Astrid)
Buy it here: Barnes & Noble•Amazon
=79/100 C
Astrid Jones desperately wants to confide in someone, but her mother's pushiness and her father's lack of interest tell her they're the last people she can trust. Instead, Astrid spends hours lying on the backyard picnic table watching airplanes fly overhead. She doesn't know the passengers inside, but they're the only people who won't judge her when she asks them her most personal questions . . . like what it means that she's falling in love with a girl. As her secret relationship becomes more intense and her friends demand answers, Astrid has nowhere left to turn. She can't share the truth with anyone except the people at thirty thousand feet, and they don't even know she's there. But little does Astrid know just how much even the tiniest connection will affect these strangers' lives--and her own--for the better.-Goodreads.com
This is one of those books that I got my hopes so high for. I was so excited to read this books because who doesn't love a good gay or lesbian coming of age book? Anyway, it sounded unique, which made me super intrigued to rush into read it. My expectations were so high that I was disappointed. First off, this book does include some girl/girl attraction, but that isn't the only thing in this book. One thing that turned me off was that all of the people around Astrid seemed to have same sex attractions. I mean I'm no expert, but it seemed a little unrealistic. Astrid has to deal with a lot during this book. She has to figure out how to come out and has to deal with her father's abusive side. King is amazing for writing about so many tough issues. Philosophy was a pretty big turn around point for Astrid, but that part kind of lost me because I don't do the whole philosophy thing. My main grievance, however, was that I wish there was more of an emphasis on Astrid sending love to the airplane passengers. It was so spectacular to see how Astrid's love affected the people on the plane. Ever since I read this book I've been sending my love to people too! It's an adorable thing to do.
The characters were creative. Astrid was pretty lost and confused at the beginning, but as she got into asking questions, she found herself and gained confidence and strength. That being said, I did not really have an attachment to her. Her point of view was strong, but her character was not for me and once she got into philosophy I became even more distant. Her friends and girlfriend were interesting (mainly her girlfriend), but they seemed very one-dimensional to me. Her parents were probably the best secondary characters. They ticked me off at times, but I know a lot of my friends with parents like them.
The ending was really enlightening. I loved to see how Astrid grew. It was beautiful to see her strength shine through and I am really glad that I was able to take part in this book. I had too high of expectations and expected more about the whole homosexual attraction (that's probably because of the psychologist in me). All in all, I did enjoy this book, but I expected a more unique story and more relatable characters.
My Favorite Part: Astrid sending love to the passengers.
Do I recommend this book? Yes, it brought some really good messages.
Thanks for reading!
It's a Book Thing
Review by Macy ♥
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