Publisher: Katherine Tegen
Series: Divergent, Book 3
Preceded By: Divergent & Insurgent
Page Amount: 526, US Hardback
POV: 1st Person (Tris or Tobias)
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The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories. But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love. -Goodreads.com
Well, this is the last Divergent book, and because of it, I will never be the same. I had mixed feelings about reading this book because I didn't want this series to end, but this book is the most amazing conclusion ever. One thing I have always enjoyed about Roth's writing style is how thought out it is. Everything came together in this book. My only complaint about the writing is that Tris and Tobias' point of views were written the exact same way, making it difficult to tell the two voices apart. I know they are a lot alike, but it was confusing at times. Other then that, I thought that the plot was very well executed. I loved the incorporation of science and genetics. The dispute over "pure genes" and "damaged genes" was quite fascinating and I could sadly see that happening in the future. This book, as like all of the Divergent books, is really long, but the story moves so fast that half of my friends have been able to read it in one day. This intense story is definitely worth the time.
Oh man. I feel like crying just thinking about the characters. I miss them so much. Tris was just as likable as in the first two installments. She is one of the strongest, likable, and most realistic girl protagonist that I have ever encountered. Her voice is enjoyable and the feelings she displays allows the reader to connect with her on a personal level. Let's not forget how witty and smart she is. Her relationship with Tobias is beautiful. I loved those two together. Unfortunately, they think that a simple kiss will solve all of their issues. Yes, there was kissing and a lot of it. Not so much to detract from the story, but enough at the worst times to make you want to smack Tris to not get distracted by Tobias' smexiness. That being said, Tobias is like the man of all men. He's realistic in that he does not believe he is good enough, yet he still is strong and determined. His relationship with his family really hit at my heartstrings too. All of the other minor characters were back too along with some new ones. I loved how even the tiniest of characters could have such vivid backstories. Amar, Christina, Uriah, Zeke, Cara, Caleb, they all made this book come together and blossom into my heart.
No matter how sad the ending was, Roth had it planned from the very first book. That took thought and guts. I applaud her for making such a decision that would crush many reader's hearts. Veronica Roth's saying is "be brave." I think that she truly demonstrated what that means by writing the ending that this story called for. Please, if you read this book, do not ruin the ending for anyone else. I know how tempting it is to tell someone so you can cry your eyes out together, but please refrain because it will spoil the surprise for them. Anyway, this book and series is amazing. There is something in it for everyone.
My Favorite Part: Every little thing about this book is amazing.
Do I recommend this book? YES, YES, YES! Go read it fast before you get spoiled!
Thanks for reading!
It's a Book Thing
Review by Macy ♥
Thank you for the review, I have the books on my tbr list now.