Monday, November 23, 2015

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye 
by J.D. Salinger

Released: January 30, 2001
Publisher: Back Bay Books
Page Amount: 277, US Paperback
POV: 1st Person (Holden)
Buy it here: Barnes & NobleAmazon

=86/100 B

Since his debut in 1951 as The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield has been synonymous with "cynical adolescent." Holden narrates the story of a couple of days in his sixteen-year-old life, just after he's been expelled from prep school, in a slang that sounds edgy even today and keeps this novel on banned book lists. His constant wry observations about what he encounters, from teachers to phonies (the two of course are not mutually exclusive) capture the essence of the eternal teenage experience of

I began reading this book after one of English professors recommended it. Therefore, I was in the thick of essays and tests when I began reading it. However, this book, through revered as a "classic," did not add extra stress as I originally thought. Instead, this book was a super fast and fun read. I must say that this book has no defined plot, but this book did not need it. This book chronicles Holden as he treks around New York trying to find his place in the world. This is not a unique premise and, to be honest, this book wasn't spectacular. However, this book did have something that not that many books have: hilarity. Numerous times throughout the novel, I laughed out loud because Holden says some hilariously stupid and witty things. Plus some of the scenes in this book are just gold in the laugh department (like when Holden hired a prostitute, I just about died laughing). Basically, the best thing about this book is that it is straight up funny. However, I do believe that this book is much funnier the younger you are and the more able you are to relate to Holden's confusion on life. 

Moving on, Holden is the leading man of this book. Many critics think Holden is annoying and whiny, and while I can't say they're completely wrong, to me it added to the hilarity of the novel. This is most likely because I, like most college kids, have felt lost and confused about my future and my life. I did especially like how Holden is not just a crazy, stupid kid that dropped out of school. On the contrary, his character goes a little deeper than that. The most moving scenes in this book occurred when Holden talked about his brother, Allie, or interacted with his sister, Phoebe. I absolutely adored Phoebe and Holden's dynamic and even just the characterization of Phoebe. She is just like the little sister I always wanted. Quite honestly though, if you pick up this book, you're either going to laugh out loud and enjoy Holden's spontaneity, like me, or abhor this novel, like most of my friends.

I personally believe you should give this book a chance. It is a quick, easy read and is easy to dive into. This may not be the most emotional or deep book you've ever read, but Salinger did not fail to meet his goal of entertaining the reader. This novel encompasses a feeling of confusion that everyone faces in their life. Sure, the events of this novel are a tad outlandish, but what fun would a novel be without a little bit of adventure? 

My Favorite Part: The hilarity of this novel.

Do I recommend this book? Yes, however, I do believe it is best suited for adolescents. As one of my English professors put it "If you want to have a chance to enjoy this book, you have to read it while you're young, because once you get older you miss your opportunity to relate to the confused Holden."

Thanks for reading! If you read this book, comment below if you loved or hated Holden!

It's a Book Thing
Review by Macy ♥

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